* Cancel for Any Reason - You may Cancel for Any Reason prior to departure.*
Non-refundable hotel rates are not included.
* Price Guarantee† - If the price of the hotel or Exclusive Nonstop Vacation Flight on your vacation
drops after booking the reservation, claim the savings prior to departure and we’ll adjust we’ll
adjust the reservation to the lower price.
* Trip Interruption - Reimburses unused hotel arrangements and additional costs for unforeseen
* Travel Delay - Reimburses you up to $300000 per person for expenses such as meals, lodging,
and local transportation costs should you be delayed 6 or more hours due to a defined Hazard,
such as a Common Carrier Delay or Quarantine (imposed by a physician or government authority)
* Missed Connection - Reimburses you up to $50000 per person for unused arrangements and
additional transportation should you miss your departure due to a delay of at least 3 hours to
12 hours of all regularly scheduled flights due to a covered reason, such as adverse weather or
Quarantine (imposed by a physician or government authority).
* Hurricane Travel Credit - If a category one or greater hurricane disrupts a vacation for 24 hours
or more, travelers will receive a refund for unused or interrupted vacation nights plus a future
vacation discount certificate.
* Baggage/Personal Property - Reimbursement for baggage or items lost, stolen, or damaged
during your vacation.
* Baggage Delay - If, while on your Trip, your Baggage is delayed for more than 8 hours, the plan will
pay up to $300 for the purchase of necessary additional clothing and personal articles.
* Emergency Evacuation - Pre-pays the cost of emergency medical transportation if serious medical
issues arise.
* Medical Expense - Reimburses up to $50,00000 per person for medical costs should you incur
hospital charges or other medical bills during your trip.
* Travel Accident - Accidental death and dismemberment coverage in the event of loss of life
or limb while flying.